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descriptionWindows 10 TP Build 10036 EmptyWindows 10 TP Build 10036



I will test times.

descriptionWindows 10 TP Build 10036 EmptyRe: Windows 10 TP Build 10036

tanks Hen Ry snaggin this now Very Happy cheers

descriptionWindows 10 TP Build 10036 EmptyRe: Windows 10 TP Build 10036

is a changelog available ?

descriptionWindows 10 TP Build 10036 EmptyRe: Windows 10 TP Build 10036

ok i saw some screenshots.

i will test it now too Razz

as i saw the


has got the following languages right ?

English, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Czech, German, Spanish, Finnish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese-Brazil, Russian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Chinese - Simplified

descriptionWindows 10 TP Build 10036 EmptyRe: Windows 10 TP Build 10036

I can not install german language? Breaks off by the installation with mistake.

descriptionWindows 10 TP Build 10036 EmptyRe: Windows 10 TP Build 10036

Hen Ry wrote:
I can not install german language? Breaks off by the installation with mistake.

worked for me

Windows 10 TP Build 10036 8a53v7ek

descriptionWindows 10 TP Build 10036 EmptyRe: Windows 10 TP Build 10036

Windows 10 TP Build 10036 110

Windows 10 TP Build 10036 210

Windows 10 TP Build 10036 310

Windows 10 TP Build 10036 410

descriptionWindows 10 TP Build 10036 EmptyAero Glass for Win10 works

also works
Aero Glass for Win8.1 + v1.3.1 provides experimental support for Windows 10 up to build 9879
Windows 10 TP Build 10036 512

descriptionWindows 10 TP Build 10036 EmptyRe: Windows 10 TP Build 10036




      <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">


      <CommandLine>lpksetup.exe /i de-DE /r /p %SYSTEMDRIVE%\LangPacks</CommandLine>

      <Description>Install German (Germany) Language Pack</Description>


descriptionWindows 10 TP Build 10036 EmptyRe: Windows 10 TP Build 10036


Windows 10 TP Build 10036 410

maybe your LP is demaged ?
my was successfully installed.

i uplaoded you my german LP (extracted from my iso)

descriptionWindows 10 TP Build 10036 EmptyRe: Windows 10 TP Build 10036

Windows 10 TP Build 10036 010

descriptionWindows 10 TP Build 10036 EmptyRe: Windows 10 TP Build 10036

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.10036.0

Details for image : Q:\WinReducer100\WORK\EXTRACT\ExtractedByWinReducer\sources\install.wim

Index : 1
Name : Windows 8.1 Pro
Description : Windows 8.1 Pro
Size : 11.665.197.420 bytes

Index : 2
Name : Windows 8.1
Description : Windows 8.1
Size : 11.620.485.307 bytes

The operation completed successfully.

descriptionWindows 10 TP Build 10036 EmptyRe: Windows 10 TP Build 10036

Removing the "metro" apps in 10036 leaves the shortcut in the menu... does anyone knows how to remove the shortcut? I can't get rid of them... the same happens if you uninstall the app through the settings menu... but it works correct if the app is removed but right clicking the app and uninstalling it from the menu.
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